Drug Crime Defense Lawyer

Drug crimes are one of the most severe types of criminal offenses. Drug possession, drug distribution, and drug trafficking are all considered drug crimes in Boston, MA. Drug possession is typically defined as having a controlled substance on your person or within reach without a prescription for that medication. Drug distribution can mean giving or selling drugs, while trafficking can include smuggling drugs across state lines. If you have been charged with any drug crime, don't hesitate to contact Drug Crimes Criminal Defense today!

Possession of A Controlled Substance

A controlled substance is the unlawful possession of certain drugs or narcotics. The penalties for this crime vary depending on the type and amount of drugs involved. Generally, however, possession of a controlled substance is punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of one thousand dollars.

Trafficking of A Controlled Substance 

Drug trafficking is the unlawful distribution or sale of certain drugs, including marijuana and prescription medications such as oxycodone. Drug trafficking is punishable by mandatory prison time depending on the type and amount of drug involved in the offense--usually between two years in jail to life imprisonment without parole.

Manufacturing of A Controlled Substance

Manufacturing can be defined as producing materials that are not legal for production, like cooking methamphetamine out of household products (and other dangerous chemicals). Drug manufacturing crimes involve making illegal substances by chemically altering ingredients into new compounds that contain controlled substances. Synthetic drugs include ecstasy, methamphetamines, heroin/opiates, cocaine, PCP, and LSD. Drug manufacturing is punishable by prison sentences of between five years to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.

These are the three most common drug crimes in Boston, MA. Each of these crimes is punishable by jail time and fines. If you have been arrested for any of these crimes, it is crucial to speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. An attorney can help protect your rights and build a strong defense against the charges.

What Should you Do you Have Been Arrested for Any Drug Crime in Boston, MA?

If you or someone close to you has been arrested for any drug crime in Boston, MA, you must speak with Drug Crimes Criminal Defense as soon as possible after arrest so they can begin building your defense against these serious charges.

Drug crimes are one of the most common criminal offenses prosecuted across Massachusetts each year. Drug trafficking and possession are two examples where individuals could face severe penalties if convicted under state law, including fines and jail time if found guilty of drug crimes. In Boston, MA, drug crimes often include illegal trafficking or distribution of controlled substances such as prescription medications or marijuana, punishable by mandatory prison time and steep fines if convicted under state law. Don’t hesitate–contact them today! These charges are treated very seriously within the Massachusetts legal system since drug offenses have been on a steady rise over the last few decades, making it more critical than ever to protect your rights when facing any drug crime charge.


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